Paul Rushforth Real Estate Gets in the Christmas Spirit with Parades and Angel Trees

Our team definitely has a case of the holly-jollies. We recently participated in both the Barrhaven and Orleans Santa Claus Parades, and had an amazing time.

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Our Team Spreads Plenty of Christmas Cheer

On November 18, our “gingerbread house for sale” float took to the streets of Barrhaven, full of happy dancing children and members of our real estate team.

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Just one week later, the big Orleans Santa Claus parade took place. Half of our team walked in the parade, and the other half stayed at our Orleans office, where we set up bleachers for spectators, and served hot chocolate and treats.

“The weather wasn’t great while we were setting up, but the actual parade was great,” says our office manager Angie White. While the weather did keep some people at home, the crowds were still impressive.

This year, we were honoured to receive the award for Best Commercial Float. “We keep trying to add new things each year, and this year we added a fog machine to make it look like the gingerbread house had smoke coming out of its chimney, and a snow machine,” Angie says.

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Take a Name from Our Angel Tree

As a team, we decided that we wanted to do more for others this holiday. Besides sponsoring a family, we have Angel Trees for the Orleans Cumberland Resource Centre at both our Kanata and Orleans offices.

Anyone is able to come in and take a tag from our tree. It has the name of a child, and some of their interests. You are then able to buy them a present and return it (unwrapped) with the tag.

“We actually ran out and had to go get more tags,” Angie shares. “It’s wonderful knowing we’re helping people in our community have a merry Christmas.”

If you’d like to take a name from our Angel Tree, just visit one of our offices before Christmas!

Here’s Our Office Information

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