November 2023 Real Estate Stats

Here are the November 2023 numbers:

  • Total number of units sold: 724 – down 1.6% November 2022.
  • Five-year average unit sales for November: down 31.8%.
  • Average sale price of homes sold: $633,138 – down 0.8% in November 2022.

“Sales are performing as expected with the arrival of colder months, and an uptick in new and active listings is bringing more choice back into the market,” says OREB President Ken Dekker. “While more choice may mean the pace of buying and selling has slowed, that doesn’t mean people looking to enter or upgrade in the market should sit back. Prospective buyers or those looking to upgrade have an opportunity to collaborate with their REALTOR® to carefully explore the market, identify the ideal property, and negotiate an attractive deal at their own pace. Sellers will have to manage their expectations regarding the quantity of offers and speed of transactions, and their REALTOR® is the best resource to help them confidently price and prepare their home for a quality sale.”