December 2023 Real Estate Stats

Here are the December 2023 numbers:

  • Total number of units sold: 565 – up 7.6% December 2022.
  • Five-year average unit sales for December: down 16%.
  • Average sale price of homes sold: $632,487 – up 1.7% in December 2022.

“Ottawa’s resale market closed out the year in a steady, balanced state,” says OREB President Curtis Fillier. “This could be an early indication that consumer confidence is returning. We likely won’t see the full impact of rate stabilization until the second half of 2024, but December’s activity bodes well for a strong year ahead in Ottawa.” 

“It hasn’t been the easiest market,” says Ken Dekker, OREB’s Past-President. “And while we probably won’t return to the peak levels seen in 2022, Ottawa’s market is poised to recover any ground lost in the past year. Both buyers and sellers need extra patience right now, but solid opportunities are there.”