Video transcript:
Sarah Orr, Closing Manager
“Obviously I’ve been thinking about family lately, how family means more than just those you’re related to. They’re the people who support you, the people who prop you up on bad days, who celebrate the big stuff with you.”
“Family; they’re the people who make you feel like you belong.”
John Cimon, Business Development
“We have random acts of kindness days; everyone should, right? We have this big truck our clients use to move. When it’s not booked, any charity can use it for free. When we can, we’ll even provide the drivers.”
“It’s simple; sometimes kindness is just getting stuff from A to B.”
Maha Shahbazian, Selling Partner
“The best part about my job is that I’m always meeting new people. I often stay in touch with them so we can share ideas in our areas of expertise, and sometimes we become really good friends.”
Mike Machargo, Inside Sales
“You never know what you can do until you do it. 21 years ago I started the CHEO barbeque so people could have fun while supporting the hospital. I never dreamed that so many people would get behind the idea, or they’d raise so much money.”
Jessica Bebee, Database Manager
“You can’t fake being a team; if it works, it works. If I drop the ball, my teammates have me covered; we’re a team. On the field or in the office, working with people who’ve got your back, all focused on the same goal; that’s a team.”
Paul Rushforth, President
“Leadership isn’t telling people what to do, it’s getting people to do what’s right. Our charity golf tournament raises tens of thousands of dollars for the Do-It-for-Daron campaign.”
“When people buy homes, they become part of a community. So we work to make that community better for everyone.
Do You Want to Work with a Team?
At Paul Rushforth Real Estate, we’re stronger when we work together, and we’re working for you. So whether you’re buying or selling, talk to us; our team is on it.